Deploy Grafana on K8s Cluster using HELM Chart


Helm helps you manage applications running on Kubernetes. Helm Charts make it easier to define, install, and upgrade even the most complicated Kubernetes applications. Start using Helm and stop copying and pasting charts because they are simple to create, version, share, and publish.

Grafana is an open-source analytics and visualization platform used to monitor and analyze data from various sources. It provides a flexible and customizable interface for creating and displaying real-time dashboards, graphs, and charts. Grafana supports a wide range of data sources, including databases, time-series databases like Prometheus and InfluxDB, cloud monitoring services, and more.

Step 1: Adding Grafana Helm Repository

We need to add the official Grafana Helm repository to your Helm configuration by running the following command:

helm repo add grafana

Step 2: Update the Helm Repositories

Once the Helm repository get added so then update your local Helm repositories to fetch the latest available charts by running the following command:

helm repo update

Step 3: Installing Grafana Chart

We need to execute the following command in to deploy the Grafana on k8s cluster.

helm install grafana grafana/grafana

To deploy Grafana with our custom password So the we need to use the given command.

helm install grafana grafana/grafana --set adminPassword=<your_password>

Step 4: Verifying Grafana Deployment

We need to use the following command to verify the Grafana resources deployment in K8s cluster.

kubectl get pods

You should see the Grafana pod running. Wait for the pod to reach the “Running” state before proceeding.

Step 5: Accessing Grafana Dashboard

To make accessible the Grafana dashboard portal, We need to expose it as a service. Run the following command:

kubectl port-forward svc/grafana 3000:3000

Now we are good to open your web browser and using http://IP-addreess:3000 URL to access the Grafana dashboard portal. We have to use by default username “admin” and the password you specified during the installation we need to execute the kubectl command to get our password.

Step 6: Cleaning Up

We clean the Grafana installation we need to execute the following command.

helm install grafana

To check cleaning up of Grafana deployment we can use the given command.

kubectl get all 


Deploy Grafana on K8s Cluster using HELM Chart

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