Deploy InfluxDB using Ansible on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS


InfluxDB is a high-performance, open-source, distributed, and scalable time-series database. It is designed to handle and store large volumes of time-stamped data, making it particularly well-suited for use cases that involve collecting, querying, and analyzing time-series data such as metrics, events, and sensor readings.


  • Up and running ubuntu 22.04 LTS machine.
  • Basic knowledge in Linux commands.
  • Internet connectivity.
  • Ansible should be installed.

We can use the given link to install Ansible on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Linux machine.

In this post, We will show you how to deploy InfluxDB using Ansible-play on ubuntu 22.04 LTS Linux machine.

Step 1: Create an Ansible playbook

To deploy InfluxDB using Ansible on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, you can create an Ansible playbook that installs and configures InfluxDB. InfluxDB is a high-performance, distributed, and scalable time-series database.

To create ansible playbook.

sudo nano deploy_influxdb.yml

Past the following ansible tasks.

- name: Deploy InfluxDB
  hosts: your_target_servers
  become: true

    - name: Add InfluxDB APT GPG key

    - name: Add InfluxDB APT repository
        repo: deb focal stable
        state: present

    - name: Install InfluxDB
        name: influxdb
        state: present

    - name: Start and enable InfluxDB service
        name: influxdb
        enabled: yes
        state: started

    - name: Wait for InfluxDB to start
        port: 8086
        delay: 5
        timeout: 60

    - name: Create InfluxDB admin user and database
        host: localhost
        username: root
        password: your_influxdb_password
        database_name: your_database_name
        state: present

    - name: Create a regular user for InfluxDB
        host: localhost
        username: root
        password: your_influxdb_password
        database_name: your_database_name
        user_name: your_user_name
        user_password: your_user_password
        state: present

This playbook does the following:

  1. Adds the InfluxDB APT GPG key.
  2. Adds the InfluxDB APT repository to the system.
  3. Installs InfluxDB using the apt module.
  4. Starts and enables the InfluxDB service using the systemd module.
  5. Waits for InfluxDB to start by checking the availability of port 8086.
  6. Creates an admin user and a database using the influxdb_database module.
  7. Creates a regular user for InfluxDB using the influxdb_user module.

Make sure to replace your_target_servers with the target servers or server group where you want to install InfluxDB. Also, replace placeholders like your_influxdb_password, your_database_name, your_user_name, and your_user_password with your desired values.

Create an Ansible inventory file (e.g., inventory.ini) with the IP addresses or hostnames of your target servers.

Step 2: Run the Ansible playbook

We need to execute the following command to deploy Ansible playbook.

ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini deploy_influxdb.yml

This playbook assumes that you have Ansible installed on your local machine and SSH access to the target servers. Ensure that the servers have internet access to download InfluxDB during the installation process.

You can get the docker container deployment using Docker compose , Use the given link.


We have successfully deployed influxDB using Ansible Playbook on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. If you are still having issues, please leave a comment below.


Deploy InfluxDB using Ansible on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

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